Your information is the information that's required when you sign up for the site, as well as the information you choose to share.
When you sign up for Reckon Blood Donor Directory information such as your name, email address, Phone number, gender, District, Upazila and blood group.
As you signed up with Reckon Blood Donor Directory, You will be known as voluntarily blood donor on our Reckon Blood Donor Directory. Your profile maybe shown as donor when some one need blood in your location. We only share your public information such as name, gender, mobile number,District, Upazila, blood group. You have always control to make your profile private so that victim(s)/Visitor will not find you on search result or direct links
At Reckon Blood Donor Directory we never share your information to any third party organization & your information will never use for any business purpose.
We pull some specific information on sign up process from facebook with your permission by using facebook sdk and apps. During sign up process we made a post to your facebook timeline and to our facebook fan page Your name and our site link as announcement.
If you want to stop using your account, you can either deactivate or delete it. You just need to send us a mail at from your registered email.